Dr.-Ing. Jan Behrens
Welcome to my webpage! My name is Jan Behrens and I am a researcher at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, CTU in Prague (CIIRC CTU) and work on the ROBOPROX and AGIMUS projects. Before, I followed the Industrial Doctorate Program in the Corporate Research sector at Robert Bosch GmbH. I received a M.Sc. in Automation Engineering in 2015 and a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in 2013. My main research interests are Hybrid Planning, Integrated Task and Motion Planning, Constraint Optimization, Optimal Control, Dual-Arm Manipulation, and Industrial Manufacturing. You can donwload my CV here.
2022-12-7 My doctoral thesis with the title Integrated Task and Motion Scheduling for Flexible Manufacturing is now published in the library of the University of Bremen. You can find it here.
2022-07-17 Our paper SurfMan: Generating Smooth End-effector Trajectories on 3D Object Surfaces for Human-Demonstrated Pattern Sequence is now available on IEEE EXPLORE. It is accepted to RA-L and will be presented at IROS 2022.
2022-02-28 Our paper Active Visuo-Haptic Object Shape Completion is now available on IEEE EXPLORE. It is accepted to RA-L and will be presented at ICRA 2022.
2021-08-27 I presented a robotic experiment and our research group in front of the delegation of the German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Read more about the visit of Frank-Walter Steinmeier here: https://ricaip.eu/german-president-in-ricaip/

Journal Papers
J.K. Behrens, K. Štepanová, R. Lange, R. Škoviera. Specifying Dual-Arm Robot Planning Problems through Natural Language and Demonstration. IEEE RA-L journal with ICRA2019 option, 2019.
[IEEE XPLORE][website]
Conference Papers
[to be presented at IROS24][video][code]
P. Vanc, J. K. Behrens and K. Stepanova, “Context-aware robot control using gesture episodes,” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 9530-9536, doi: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10161308.
J. K. Behrens, Michal Nazarczuk, Karla Stepanova, Matej Hoffmann, Yiannis Demiris, and Krystian Mikolajczyk, “Embodied Reasoning for Discovering Object Properties via Manipulation,” to appear in 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi’an China, May 2021.
Svarny, P.; Tesar, M.; Behrens, J. K. & Hoffmann, M. (2019), Safe physical HRI: Toward a unified treatment of speed and separation monitoring together with power and force limiting, in ‘ IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019’.
[IEEE XPLORE][arxiv][youtube video]
Jan Kristof Behrens, Ralph Lange, and Masoumeh Mansouri: A Constraint Programming Approach to Simultaneous Task Allocation and Motion Scheduling for Industrial Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks. In Proc. of ICRA ’19. Montreal. May 2019.
[IEEE XPLORE][arxiv]
Workshop Papers
Petr Vanc, Karla Stepanova, and Jan Kristof Behrens, “Controlling Robotic Manipulations via Bimanual Gesture Sequences” In Proc. of ICRA ’22 Workshop on Intelligent Control Methods and Machine Learning Algorithms for Human-Robot Interaction and Assistive Robotics. Philadelphia. May 2022. [paper] [poster] [video]
Jan Kristof Behrens, Ralph Lange, and Michael Beetz: CSP-Based Integrated Task & Motion Planning for Assembly Robots. In Proc. of ICRA ’17 Workshop on AI Planning and Robotics: Challenges and Methods. Singapore. May 2017.
Scientific Works
Dissertation: Integrated Task and Motion Scheduling for Flexible Manufacturing
[Open Access]